vineri, 18 februarie 2011

A Ray of Hope

                     In the deepest of the skies was once nothing but chaos of death matter, silence and noise, darkness and fog throughout everywhere. A wind of dust and a strong storm and then from nowhere a thought of order occured.
                     A Ray of Hope came across the sky shining in the darkness, a thought of being and a prayer!
                     The Ray of Hope said <There is such a silence and such sadness through everywhere! May it be some joyful being that brings life to this place> From this thoguht with hope a brilliant Yellow Light sphere  emerged lighting up the skies and making a thread of life melt all the matter into fresh Water while its breath above some dry matter lited up into a Red Flame.
                     Now there was Brightness in the Darkness, Warmth and Cold, Fire and Frost. Red was the Warmth, the Fire and the Passion and Blue was the Cold, the Water and the Grace. So there were three bright spots: The Yellow, The Red and The Blue.
                     The Ray of Hope told them <Such a great thing that you came into being! Now there will never be such a sadness and darkness all around. Yellow, such a joyful colour that shines the sky so bright! Red what a hot flame in the dryest matter; Blue such a Ballance and a blessful Water! But I hope for life and motion over and through the matter.>
                    From their joyful emotion other beings were brought to life.
                    Light with Fire in the matter make a purified soil and sand of a glowing Orange . The Yellow Light and the Cool Water make vivid Green sprouts everywhere inside the matter. Fire warms the Water making it proper for life melting the Frost, while the Water calms the Passionate Fire ballancing it. Red, the Fire and the Passion with Blue, the Depth and the Ballance make the Purple Colour and the graceful  precious stones.
                    <My hope was thus fulfilled and my dreams came truth. May yours came truth too!>
                    Thus from a Ray of Hope and a thought of life the bright colours were brought to life and the nothingness became vivid.

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