Haiku - English version

Art can do a world look better,
Virtue in Art makes the man be better.
Virtue and Art in a Man make a world be better,
And nothing else does really matter
Just being happily ever after.

Yellow sounds
Of laughter
Kids playing

The slide of the thief
With white moustache
Cat at lunch


The brown soil sleeping
Under the thick cover
Fresh snow

Red spots
Under the leaves
Sweet fruits


The deep sound
Of white keys
Old piano

Dry paint
Dust on brush
Dying artist

Empty frames
Dusted canvas
-Crying muse

Unfinished sketch
Forgoten on the table
-Lack of hare


Old shoes
Yellowish blouse

New item
Tailored by designer
-Prestige and fine label


To make children laugh
By wise words

To make one smile
By mean words

Anyone’s gift
To make anybody angry

Anyone’s gift
To make anybody feel good

Not knowing if or if not
To say a good or a bad word

Not caring about being
Good or mean
To anybody - indifference:

To be able to say fine words
instead of mean words

Holy words
Asking for miracles
and good deeds: Prayer


The free man finds it beautiful
The poor fears of wind and rains

Light and warmth
Fire and heat

Blinds for the sun
Hiding of our sins

Clear sky:
The sun’s missing
Of ocean seeing

Bright colours
In a circle:
Also clouds compassion
After the storm

The sea:
Mirror on Earth
For the Skies

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